Glossary of Histological & Micro-anatomical Terms
from the Department of Anatomy, University of New South Wales, Sidney, Australia.


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A-band abb. of anisotropic band G. anisos = unequal + tropos = turning; meaning having not equal properties in every direction; transverse bands in living skeletal muscle which rotate the plane of polarised light, cf. I-band.


Abbé, Ernst. 1840-1905. German physicist; mathematical analysis of optics as a basis for constructing better microscopes; devised oil immersion lens; Abbé condenser.


absorption L. absorbere = to suck up.


acervulus L. = sand, gritty; brain sand (cf. psammoma body).


acetylcholine an ester of choline found in many tissue, synapses & neuromuscular junctions, where it is a neural transmitter.


acetylcholinesterase enzyme at motor end-plate responsible for rapid destruction of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter.


acidophilic adj. L. acidus = sour + G. philein = to love; affinity for an acidic dye, such as eosin staining cytoplasmic proteins.


acinus (-i) L. = a juicy berry, a grape; applied to small, rounded terminal secretory units of compound exocrine glands that have a small lumen (adj. acinar).


acrosome G. akron = extremity + soma = body; head of spermatozoon.


actin polymer protein filament found in the intracellular cytoskeleton, particularly in the thin (I-) bands of striated muscle.


adenohypophysis G. ade = an acorn + hypophyses = an undergrowth; anterior lobe of hypophysis (cf. pituitary).


adenoid G. " + -oeides = in form of; in the form of a gland, glandular; the pharyngeal tonsil.


adipocyte L. adeps = fat (of an animal) + G. kytos = a container; cells responsible for storage and metabolism of lipids, found in white fat and brown fat.


adipose adj. L. adeps = fat + G. osis = a condition of.


adluminal adj. L. ad = towards + lumen = a hole; adjacent to lumen.


adnexa L. ad = to + nexus = bound; accessory parts of a structure, e.g., the adnexa of the eye.


adrenal L. ad = to, at + ren = kidney; the suprarenal gland.


adrenergic adj. L. " + " + G. ergon = work; applied to nerves which release "noradrenalin" (norepinephrine) at their terminals.


adventitia L. adventicius = coming from the outside; outermost connective tissual covering of an organ, e.g., the outer coat of a blood vessel is its tunica adventitia.


afferent adj. L. ad = to + ferre = to bear, carry, produce; passing towards, centripetal, e.g., sensory nerves are afferent nerves with respect to the brain and spinal cord; afferent arteriole of the renal glomerulus.


agranulocyte L. a = without; a white blood cell without large numbers of cytoplasmic granules but containing some azurophilic granules, e.g., monocyte, lymphocyte.


albicans adj. L. = whitish; e.g., corpus albicans (corpora albicantia) of the ovary.


albuginea adj. L. albus = white; firm white fibrous tissue, e.g., near the surface of the testis or ovary (first used to describe aqueous humour, then sclera, of eye).


Alcian blue commercial name for dye indicating mucins.


aldehyde fuschin purple dye for elastin.


alimentary L. alimentum = nourishment.


alpha cell acidophilic cell of adenohypophysis; acidophilic cell secreting glucagon of pancreatic islets of Langerhans


alveolus (-i) L. = a small hollow, basin or flask (dim. of alveus = a belly, tub); applied to air-cell in lungs; large terminal secretory units of some exocrine glands with relatively thin walls (cf. acinus); tooth socket; adj. alveolar.


amacrine G. a = without + makros = long; a cell in the inner nuclear layer of retina without a long (axonal) process.


ameloblast OF. esmail = enamel + G. blastos = germ; cell giving rise to tooth enamel.


amitosis G. a = without + mitos = thread; direct cell division without appearance of visible chromosomes.


amnion G. Amnion = nickname for a goddess of childbirth: Eileithyia of Amnisus (or Amnias), which was the port of the land of Knossos in Crete; amnion is also Greek for a little lamb; inner of the fetal membranes forming a thin sac around embryo or fetus, and subsequently fusing with chorion.


amoeboid G. amiobe = change + -oeides = form of; having motion like an amoeba, a protozoon which continually changes its shape; of the movements of a leucocyte.


amorphous G. a = not + morphe = form; lacking structural definition.


ampulla L. ampla = full + bulla = vase; a jar or flask; a local widening in a tube; duodenal ampulla of Vater, q.v.


amylacea cf. corpus amylaceum.


anaphase G. ana = up, back, again + phasis = phase, stage; mitotic phase where chromatids separate.


anastomosis G. " + stoma = an opening; natural communication between two vessels (adj. anastomotic).


androgen G. andros = man + gennan = to produce; male hormone.


aneuploidy G. an = without + eu = good + ploos = folded + -oeides = shape of; of a cell nucleus with more or less than the correct diploid number of chromosomes.


angiology G. angeion = a vessel + logos = study; first used to describe a surgical procedure for exposing temporal artery; later, the study of blood vessels.


Angström, Anders Jonas. 1814-1879. Swedish physicist; unit of measurement; 1 Angström (symbol Å) = 0.1 nanometer.


aniline blue A. anil, indigo plant; dye for collagen etc.


anisotropic G. anisos = unequal + tropos = a turning; having properties that are not the same in all directions; able to change the plane of polarization of light.


anlage (-n) Ge. an = on + legen = to lay, place; a primordium; an incipient structure.


ansa nephronis L. ansa = bucket handle, sandle loop + nephronis = of a nephron; hair-pin bend in the straight tubules of a nephron of the kidney; cf. Henle; also ansa subclavia; ansa hypoglossi.


ansa subclavia L. = sympathetic nerve loop passing anterior and posterior to subclavian artery.


antrum (-ra) L. = a cave, cavity; a nearly-closed cavity or bulge.


anulus (or annulus) L. = a little ring, dim. L. anus; a finger-ring; the fourth finger itself.


anulus fibrosus (anuli fibrosi or annuli fibrosi) L. = little ring of fibres; lamellae of collagen fibres surrounding nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc.


aorta G. aeiro = I lift up (something), then G. aorter = the strap of a knapsack hung from the shoulders; a butcher's "pluck" of thoracic viscera; largest artery of the thorax (the heart being like a sac, and the aorta, a strap).


apical adj. L. = apex, tip.


apocrine G. apo = from, away + krinein = to separate; budding-off of apical cytoplasm in secretory cells.


aponeurosis G. " + neuron = tendon, sinew (later, nerve); an expanded flat connective tissue sheet to which muscle fibres are attached (Galen, 180)


apoptosis G. apo = from + ptosis = a falling off (of a leaf); naturally occurring cell death; adj. apoptotic (second p is silent).


appendix testis L. ab = from + pendere = to hang + testis = of the testis; hydatid of Morgagni, q.v.


appendix vermiformis L. ab = from + pendere = to hang + vermis = worm + forma = form; a worm-shaped attachment at the beginning of the large intestine.


appendices epiploicae L. " + G. epiploon = a net; small pockets of peritoneum filled with fat attached to the colon; cf. epiploic.


apposition L. ad = to + ponere = to set, place; placed in contiguity; juxtaposition.


appositional growth L. " ; growth on a pre-existing surface; growth at periphery.


APUD amine-precursor uptake and decarboxylation; class of endocrine cells.


aqueous humour L. aqua = water + humour = fluid; fluid of low viscosity in anterior and posterior chambers of eye.


arachnoid adj. G. arachne = spider + -oeides = form; resembling a web; first applied to scum on urine; applied to cobweb-like middle layer of the three meninges of the brain (Amsterdam, 1664).


arachnoid granulations protrusions of arachnoid into superior sagittal sinus whereby cerebrospinal fluid can pass into the blood, cf. Pacchionian bodies.


arbor vitae L. arbor = tree + vitae = of life; cedar tree; the white matter seen in a median section of the cerebellum.


arbor vitae uteri cf. palmate folds (of uterine cervical canal).


arborisation from L. arbor = tree; branching as in a tree.


area cribrosa L. area = a space + cribrum = a sieve; surface of renal papilla perforated by papillary ducts of Bellini, q.v.; cf. cribriform.


areola corruption of L. aureolus = golden; pigmented area around nipple of breast.


areolar L. areola = a small open space (dim. of L. area = a space); loose, as in loose connective tissue.


argentaffin L. argentum = silver + affinis = associated with; of cells which can reduce silver from its salts without special pretreatment; e.g., some entero-endocrine cells producing serotonin.


argyrophilic G. argyros = silver + philein = to love; of cells or structures reducing silver from its salts after special pretreatment with a reducing agent; e.g., reticular fibres.


arrector pili (arrectores pilorum) L. arrector = raiser + pilus = hair; autonomically innervated smooth muscles oriented obliquely in dermis, creating "gooseflesh".


artefact L. arte = by art + factus = made; inadvertent abnormality in tissue arising during histological processing; also artifact.


arteriole a small artery, q.v.


artery G. aer = air + terein = to keep; hence L. arteria = windpipe; arteries after death often were seen to be empty of blood, i.e., to contain air.


articular L. articulatus = a little joint (dim. of L. artus = a joint); of cartilage covering the surface of bones at synovial joints.


Asselli, Gaspar. 1581-1626. Pavia anatomist, surgeon; discoverd lacteals in 1622 during vivisection of a dog.


astrocyte G. astron = a constellation, a single star + kytos = hollow vessel (cell); star-shaped neuroglial cell.


atavistic L. atavus = great grandfather's grandfather, ancestor.


atelectasis G. a = without + telos = completion, end + ektasis = expansion; imperfect expansion, collapsed condition of lungs.


atresia G. a = without + tresis = perforation; refers to a congenital absence or closure of a normal opening.


atretic follicle an ovarian follicle that fails to mature and dies.


atrophy G. a = without + trophe = food; a wasting or reduction in organ size.


Auerbach, Leopold. 1828-1897. Breslau neuropathologist & anatomist; Auerbach's nerve plexus in external muscle layer of intestinal wall (1862).


autolysis G. auto = self + lysis = dissolution; self-digestion of cells, tissues.


autonomic G. " + nomos = law; self-controlling part of nervous system.


Avicenna 980-1073. Arabian physician; celebrated author whose book Al-qanun fi 't-tibb (Canon medicinae) was used in European universities until about 1650


axis cylinder neurite (q.v.) or axon (q.v.) of a nerve cell.


axon G. = axis; neurite or long process of a neurone, usually conducting efferent nerve signals from the cell body (soma) to the peripheral terminals of the cell; contains axoplasm.


axon hillock cone-shape region of the neuronal soma from which the axon arises.


Azure a commercial name for a type of blue dye.


azurophilic OF. azur = blue + G. philein = to love; refers to reddish-purple granules in some leucocytes when stained by Romanowsky method.



bacterium (-ia) G. bakterion = a rod.


Baillarger, Jules Gabriel François. 1806-1890. French neurologist; striae of Baillarger are two bands of fibres in grey matter of cerebral cortex running parallel to its surface; cf. Gennari.


Barr, Murray. 1908- ? Canadian anatomist; B. body = intranuclear satellite = sex-chromatin mass seen in a certain proportion of the cells of a female.


Bartholin, Thomas. 1616-1680. Danish mathematician and philosopher, doctor in Basel, anatomist at Cophenhagen; discovered thoracic duct and lymphatic system in 1653; wrote a textbook of anatomy.


Bartholin, Casper. 1655-1738 (son of Thomas). Philosopher professor, then Deputy of Finances (civil service) in Copenhagen; Bartholin's mucous glands of vestibule and labia minora in female reproductive system (1677).


basal body G. basis = base; the root of a cilium.


basal lamina G. basis = base + L. lamina = thin plate; term for a layer seem in the electron microscope of thick glycocalyx at base of epithelial cells; a sublayer of the basement membrane.


basement membrane histological term for extracellular layer at base of epithelium, seen in the light microscope after use of certain dyes; includes basal lamina; constitutes the interface between epithelium and connective tissue.


basilic A. al-basiliq = vein on inner aspect of arm (G. basilikos = royal, hence prominent?); vein used for blood-letting.


basket cell a type of cell partially enclosing another like a basket; e.g., stellate myo-epithelial cells enclosing an acinus of a gland; cerebellar nerve cells whose branches form a basket around the Purkinje cells.


basophil type of leucocyte characterised by basophilic cytoplasmic granules.


basophilic G. basis = base + philein = to love; affinity for a basic dye, e.g. haematoxylin, gallocyanin, toluidine blue.


Bellini, Lorenzo. 1643-1704. Mathematician, anatomist at Pisa; terminal collecting tubules of B. in kidney (1662).


Berengarius of Carpi. 1470-1530. Anatomist at Bologna & Pavia; described pineal gland and sphenoidal air sinuses.


Bernard, Claude. 1813-1878. Sorbonne physiologist; suggested idea of internal secretions and established science of endocrinology; developed concept of constancy of internal environment of body (milieu interne).


Bertin, Exupère Joseph. 1712-1781. French anatomist; renal columns of Bertin; conchae of sphenoid bone.


beta cell basophilic cell of adenohypohysis; basophilic cell secreting insulin of pancreatic islets of Langerhans.


Betz, Vladimir Alexandrovich. 1834-1894. Kiev anatomist; Betz cells are large pyramidal cells in 5th layer of motor cortex (1874), giving rise to a small number of fibres in the pyramidal tract.


Bichat, Marie François Xavier. 1771-1802. Paris anatomist, a founder of histology; classification of 23 basic tissues; Bichat's tunica intima; B's internal elastic lamina; B's fat pad in cheek.


bicornuate L. bis = twice + cornua = horns; uterus with 2 horns found in many animals, and occasionally in woman.


bicuspid L. bis = twice + cuspis = a point; of lymphatic valves, mitral valve, premolar tooth.


Bielschowsky, Max. 1869-1940. Berlin neurologist; developed staining and silver impregnation techniques for histological study of nervous system.


bifurcate L. bis = twice + furca = fork; divide into two branches.


bile L. bilus = bile; cf. choledochus.


Billroth, C.A. Theodor. 1829-1894 Austrian surgeon; B.'s cords = the components of red pulp occurring between the venous sinuses of the spleen.


bipolar cell L. bis = twice + polus = pole; nerve cell with two processes, one being a neurite (q.v.) and the other, a dendrite (q.v.). NB. all sensory nerve cells of the embryo are initally bipolar, becoming pseudounipolar (q.v.) with growth, except for the vestibulocochlear ganglion cells.


blastema G. = a sprout; embryonic tissue giving rise to a particular structure; an anlage, q.v.


body cavity a coelom, q.v.


body wall the part of the body which surrounds a coelom, q.v.; paries, q.v.


Boerhaave, Hermann. 1668-1738. Leiden physician; sweat glands; wrote famous textbook Istitutiones medicae (1708).


Botallo, Leonardo. 1530-? Pavia anatomist, surgeon; duct of B. = ductus arteriosus.


bouton terminal (boutons terminaux) F. = terminal button or knob; bulb-like expansion at a synapse of the tip of an axon.


Bowman, William (Sir). 1816-1892. London physician, anatomist & ophthalmologist; B's capsule and B.'s space of renal corpuscle (1842); B's elastic membrane of anterior corneal epithelium (1847).


brain sand acervulus, q.v.; corpora arenaceum, q.v.; psammoma bodies, q.v.


Broca, Pierre Paul. 1824-1880. Paris surgeon, pathologist, anthropologist; B's convolution = area for motor speech is posterior part of inferior frontal gyrus of left hemisphere (1861).


Brodmann, Korbinian. 1868-1918. Armenian anatomist; described 52 allegedly discrete areas of human cerebral cortex by transferring results of studies in monkey brain to human.


bronchiole L. bronchiolus = small bronchus; air passage in lung.


bronchus (-i) G. bronchos = windpipe; later, branches of the trachea.


Brown, Robert. 1773-1858 British Museum botanist; described nucleus of plant cells; Brownian movement.


Bruch, Karl Wilhelm Ludwig. 1819-1884. Anatomist at Basle & Giessen; B's membrane = glassy basement membrane of the retinal (pigment) epithelium (1844); lymphatic follicles of palpebral conjunctiva.


Brücke, Ernst Wilhelm von. 1819- 1892 Vienna physiologist and microscopic anatomist; B.'s muscle = meridional fibres of ciliary muscle.


Brunn, Albert von. 1849-1895 German anatomist; B's membrane = the olfactory epithelium; B.'s cell nests = glandlike invaginations of epithelium forming cell masses, or cell pearls, in lower urinary tract.


Brunner, Johann Konrad. 1653-1727. Professor of Medince at Heidelberg; B's glands = compound mucus-secreting glands of duodenal submucosa (1687).


brush border term of light microscopy for taller (coarser) microvilli, e.g., on kidney tubule cells; cf. striated border.


buccal L. bucca = cheek; related to cheek or mouth.


buccinator L. buccina = trumpet; muscle which prevents the vestibule of the mouth being distended in trumpet playing.


buffer Mid. Eng. buffe = to deaden the shock of; applied to a substance which when added to an acid or a base, preserves the hydrogen ion concentration.


bulbar L. bulbus = a swollen root; of eye-ball; of urethra; of olfactory tract; of aorta; of a hair; of embryonic heart.


Burdach, Karl Friedrich. 1776-1847. Anatomist at Dorpat, Königsberg & Breslau; B's column = cuneate fasciculus of spinal cord (1819).


bursa (-ae) L. from G. = a leather sac, a purse; a sac associated with tendons or muscles, containing synovial fluid.

Cajal, Santiago Ramon y. 1852-1934. Anatomist at Valencia, histologist at Madrid; shared Nobel Prize in 1906 with Golgi,q.v. for comprehensive work on the histology of the nervous system using the Golgi impregnation technique.


calcification L. calx = lime + facere = to make.


calcitonin calcium + L. tonus = a stretching, a strengthening; hormone of thyroid C-cells which elevates blood calcium levels.


calculus (-i) L. = a little stone, a peeble (dim. L. calx = stone); applied to stones that form in gall bladder, kidney, ureter, salivary glands, pancreas, etc.


calix or calyx (-ices) G. kalyx = cup; applied to any cup-shaped structure.


calvaria L. calvus = bald; the vault of the skull.


Camper, Petrus. 1722-1789 Professor of Medicine, Anatomy, Surgery & Botany in Gronningen; C.'s fascia = superficial layer of superficial fascia of skin of abdomen (1801).


canaliculus (-i) L. = a small channel (L. canalis = a channel, a water-pipe; dim.L. canna = a reed).


cancellous adj. L. cancellus = lattice; of spongy bone with numerous interconnecting cavities.


canine L. canis = dog; tooth shaped like dog's fang; a unicuspid tooth.


canthus G. canthos = metal rim on a wooden wheel; later, the rim of the eyelids; the angle at either end (i.e., nasal = inner, and temporal = outer) of the slit between the eyelids.


capillary L. capillus = hair (from L. capitis pilus = hair of the head); a very narrow ("hair-like") blood vessel.


capillus L. = a hair (of scalp).


capsule L. capsula = a little box (dim. L. capsa = a box, from L. capio = I receive).


cardia G. kardia = heart; adj. cardiac; as a noun, cardia = entrance to stomach.


cardinal adj. L. cardo = a hinge; on which something important hinges; cardinal veins of embryo; cf. duct of Cuvier.


caries L. = decay; gradual decay of a tooth or bone.


carina L. = a keel; last ring of trachea has a keel-like projection in the fork between the bronchi.


carmine a red dye.


carneae L. carneus = fleshy; trabeculae carneae, q.v.


carotid G. karoein = to send to sleep, stupefy; compression of carotid arteries believed by Aristotle (c. 350 BC) to cause coma.


cartilage L. cartilago = gristle; adj. cartilaginous (Celsus, c. 10 AD).


caruncle L. caruncula = small fleshy mass (dim. L. caro = flesh); a small fleshy elevation of epithelium, e.g., lacrimal caruncle, q.v.; sublingual caruncle; urethral caruncle; accessory pancreatic caruncle of Santorini, q.v.


caveola (-ae) from L. cavus = a hollow; small, pinocytotic depressions in plasma membrane.


cavernous adj. L. cavernosus = containing hollow spaces.


cell L. cella = a small room.


celloidin synthetic embedding medium.


cementum L. = rough quarried stone; modified bone between dentine and periodontal ligament in the root of a tooth.


central artery a small artery (more often, an arteriole) in the white pulp of the spleen.


central canal a small canal in spinal cord filled with cerebrospinal fluid and lined by ependyma, q.v.


central nervous system brain and spinal cord; abb. CNS.


central vein smallest root of hepatic vein, located in centre of an hepatic lobule.


centriole G. kentron = a sharp point, centre + L. -olus = a dimuntive ending; minute organelle at cell centre, involved in mitosis.


centro-acinar cell cell with pale-staining cytoplasm at start of an intercalated duct in the pancreatic acinus.


centrosome G. kentron = a sharp point, centre + soma = body; pair of centrioles in centre zone of a cell soma.


cephalic G. kephale = head, from A. al-kifal; of vein in arm from which blood-letting was thought to reduce headache.


cerebellum L. = little brain (dim. of L. cerebrum = brain); largest part of hind-brain.


cerebral cortex L. cerebrum = brain + cortex = rind; the grey matter of the forebrain.


cerumen L. cera = wax; sebaceous secretion of ear canal.


cervix (-ices) L. = the neck (of an organ); e.g., cervix uteri = neck of uterus.


chelation G. chele = a claw; binding of metal ions by heterocyclic ring compounds.


chief cells main cells; of the stomach, those producing pepsinogen, q.v.; of the parathyroid; those producing parathormone.


cholecystokinin G. chole = bile + kystis = bladder + kinein,= to move; gut hormone stimulating movement of bile from gall bladdder, and exocrine pancreas activity.


choledochus G. chole = bile + dochos = receptacle; the bile duct (melancholy = black bile).


chondroblast G. chondros = cartilage + blastos = germ; immature cartilage cell.


chondrocyte G. " + kytos = hollow vessel, monk's cell; mature cartilage cell.


chorion G. = skin, leather; outer membrane of the conceptus, forming chorionic villi (Galen, c. 180 AD).


choroid or choroidea G. " + -oeides = similar to; skin-like; brown vascular part of eye coat (like a shell of a peeled grape); part of uvea, q.v.; Haller's layer.


choroid plexus G. " + L. plexus = woven; a network of blood vessels derived from pia mater and covered by ependymal cells, projecting into ventricles of brain (similar in appearance to the chorion).


chromaffin G. chroma = colour + L. affinis = with affinity for; stained with chromium salts; epinephrine-producing cells; para-aortic bodies of Zuckerkandl.


chromatin G. chroma = colour; material in cell nucleus staining strongly with basic dyes.


chromatolysis G. " + lysis = a lessening; loss of stainable Nissl substance in injured neuronal somas.


chromatophore G. " + phorous = bearing; pigment-containing cell.


chromophil G. " + philein = to love; cells or granules taking up dye readily.


chromophobe G. " + phobos = fear; cells or granules not taking up any dye readily.


chromosome G " + soma = body; an intensely staining, discrete linear body containing DNA, etc. in nucleus.


chyle G. chylos = juice; milk-like contents of lacteals and intestinal lymphatics.


chylomicrons G. " + mikros = small; small particles of fat in lacteals; visible in light microscope.


chyme G. chymos = juice.


ciliary adj. L. ciliaris = related to eyelash; also to bulbar ciliary body, q.v.


ciliary body thickened part of the uvea of the eye at the base of the iris, consisitng of cilary zonule and ciliary smooth muscle.


ciliary zonule the suspensory ligament of the lens consisting of multiple fibres extending from folds of ciliary body to capsule of lens; zonule of Zinn, q.v.


cilium (-ia) L. = eyelash; also hair-like projections on epithelial cells.


circumvallate adj. L. circum = around + vallare = to wall; of largest lingual papilla, surrounded by a moat-like depression.


cisterna (-ae) L. = a reservoir, dilated sac; e.g., cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum in muscle cells.


Clarke, Jacob Augustus Lockhart 1817-1880; London physician; C.'s column = nucleus dorsalis of grey matter of spinal cord (1851).


Claudius, Friedrich Matthias. 1822-1869. Kiel anatomist; cells of C. = sustentacular cells in organ of Corti, q.v.


clavicle L. clavicula = a little key, dim L. clavis = a key; from A. alchiab = collar bone (Avicenna, c. 980 AD) locking shoulder-girdle to body; Roman clavis was also an S-shaped metal bar used to strike a doorbell or gong.


clearing process of making tissues transparent through use of chemicals with similar refractive index as specimens.


clitoris G. kleio = I close; labia minora enclose clitoris; also G. kleitorizein = to tickle; G. der Kitzler = the tickler (clitoris).


cochlea L. from G. kokhlos = land-snail; cone of inner ear containing organ of Corti for hearing; described by Fallopius (1552).


coeliac (celiac) G. koilia = a belly; related to abdominal organs.


coelom G. koilos = a hollow, belly; an internal sac; the single coelom inside the embryo gives rise to the pleural, pericardial and peritoneal sacs of the body lined by mesothelium.


Cohnheim, Julius Friedrich. 1839-1884 German experimental pathologist; described amoeboid movement of leucocytes; C.'s fields or areas = polygonal mosaic-like groups of myofibrils seen in cross-section of a single skeletal muscle fibre; end artery (q.v.) of C.; also fetal cells, dormant, persisting in adult organs.


collagen G. kolla = glue + gennan = to produce; insoluble fibrous protein component of almost all connective tissue; boiling it yields gelatine, q.v.


collateral L. con = together + lateralis = of a side; accessory or accompanying branch of something; side branch of a neurite or axon; branch of a blood vessel.


colloid G. kolla = glue + -oeides = in form of; glutinous; of material in thyroid follicles, or in pars intermedia of hypophysis.


colon G. kolon = large intestine, possibly from G. koilos = empty (as is often state of colon on dissection).


colostrum L. = thin yellow secretion of mother's breast two to three days after childbirth; also L. for a term of endearment.


Columbia jar a small jar for staining sections, cf. Coplin jar.


Columbus, Realdus. 1516-1559 Italian anatomist; studied under Vesalius at Padua; professor in Rome; discovered pulmonary circulation; described role of lens correctly (previously lens was thought to function as the retina does).


complement L. complere = to complete; enzymatic proteins in serum combining with antigen-antibody complex.


comitans L. = accompanying; e.g., venae comitantes = two or more small veins which often accompany and artery.


conarium L. conus = a cone; the pineal body, q.v.


concha L. = shell (of an oyster); formerly, the pinna of the ear and external auditory meatus; the three small bony projections on the lateral wall of the nasal cavity.


concretion L. concretus = solid + crescere = to grow; a calculus.


condenser L. con = with + densare = to make thick; lens for focussing light on specimen in a microscope.


cone terminal part of the dendrite of a sensory neuron in the retina, responsible for perception of colours.


conjunctiva L. barbarism from con = with + jungere = to join; mucous membrane which joins together the eyelid (palpebral) and the eyeball (bulbar).


Coplin jar staining jar holding five standard slides.


copula L. = a link, from L. copulare = to copulate; median elevation in floor of embryonic pharynx uniting ventral ends of third pharyngeal arches, cf. His (the elder).


corium L. = leather, skin; the dermis, consisting of papillary & reticular components; tanning corium of animals yields leather.


cornea L. corneus = horn-like; outer layer of anterior segment of eyeball.


corneum L. " ; outer layer of epidermis is the statum corneum.


cornified L. " ; conversion of squamous epithelial cells to horny material (see keratin).


corona L. = crown; coronal plane, a vertical plane dividing body into front and back (frontal plane).


corona radiata 1. = radiating fibres of the internal capsule of the brain; 2. = layer of cells of cumulus oophorus remaining attached to zona pellucida of ovum after ovulation.


corpora quadrigemina (cf. corpus) L. = the four-fold bodies (strictly, the eight-fold bodies, since L. quadri- = four + geminus = twin, double); four oval masses in roof of midbrain, the upper two (superior colliculi) being called the nates (= buttocks), the lower two (inferior colliculi), the testes.


corpus (-ora) L. = body.


corpus albicans (corpora albicantia) L. " + albicans = whitish; a degenerating corpus luteum in ovary.


corpus amylaceum (corpora amylacea) L. " + amylum = starch; starchy grains, or having the structure of starch grains with concentric layers; found in prostate gland (= prostatic concretions).


corpus arenaceum (corpora arenacea) L. " + arena = sandy (floor of an arena); a particle of brain sand.


corpus cavernosum (corpora cavernosa) L. " + caverna = a hollow; penis has two similar erectile structures, and a third corpus spongiosum, q.v.


corpus luteum L. " + luteum = yellow; major endocrine organ which is the remains of ovarian follicle after ovulation; yellow in ovary of cow where de Graaf (q.v.) first saw it.


corpus spongiosum L. " + spongiosa = spongy; erectile tissue surrounding urethra.


corpuscle L. corpusculum = little body (dim. of L. corpus).


cortex (-ices) L. = rind, or bark; outer layer of an organ.


Corti, Alfonso (Marquis). 1822-1888 Italian, anatomist with no academic post in Germany, Hyrtl's prosector in Vienna; retired to become a viticulturalist in Casteggio; organ of C. = spiral organ for sensory transduction in cochlea (1851); membrane of C. = tectorial membrane, q.v.


coverglass or coverslip thin disc or rectangle of glass to cover histological preparation for light microscopy (e.g., Grade 1« is 0.16 - 0.19 mm thick).


Cowper, William. 1666-1709 London surgeon and anatomist. C.'s glands = bulbo-urethral glands (1697).


cremaster muscle G. kremaster = a suspender, a hamock; the muscles by which the testis is suspended (Galen, 180).


crenated adj. L. crenatus = notched or scalloped; of appearance of a red blood cell in a hypertonic solution.


cribriform L. cribrum = sieve + forma = form; c. plate of ethmoid bone; c. fascia; area cribrosa of renal papilla.


crista ampullaris L. = crest + ampulla = little jar; sensory component of semicircular canal.


cryostat G. kryos = cold + statikos = in equilibrium; refrigerated device to maintain constant temperature, often with a cryotome inside for cutting frozen sections.


cryotome G. " + tome= a cutting; a microtome in a cryostat.


crypt G. kryptos = hidden.


cumulus oophorus L. cumulus = a little mound + G. oon = egg + phorus = bearing; part of the wall of an ovarian follicle surrounding and carrying the ovum.


cupula L. = a little tub (or upside down, a little dome; dim L. cupa = cup); gelatinous mass forming cap over crista ampullaris; a dome at apex of cochlea duct.


cutaneous from L. cutis = skin.


cuticle L. cuticula = a little skin (dim. of L. cutis); e.g., of a nail, of a tooth, of a hair, capsule of lens of eye.


cutis L. = skin; cutis anserina (L. anserinus = of a goose) = "goose-flesh".


Cuvier, Georges Léopold Chrétian Frédéric Dagobert (Baron de la). 1769-1832 famous French naturalist; President of Council of State; duct of C. = common cardinal vein from union of inferior and superior cardinal veins in embryo (1805).


cyst G. kystis = bladder, sac; hence, cystic duct = duct of gall bladder.


cytochemistry G. kytos = hollow vessel (cell) + chemeia = chemistry; application of specific chemical reagents to a histological section, or to a cell smear, or to an ultrathin section (requiring electron microscopy), to reveal the cytoplasmic location (topography) of natural substances; cf. histochemistry.


cytology G. " + logos = study; study of cells and their organelles, usually with electron microscope.


cytoplasm G. kytos = hollow vessel (cell) + plasma = a formed substance; main component of cell other than nucleus & plasma membrane.


cytotrophoblast G. " + trophe = nourishment + blastos = germ; inner layer of embryonic trophoblast (Langhan's layer).


dartos G. = skinned, flayed; a tunica surrounding the testes (Rufus, c. 100 AD).


Darwin, Charles Robert. 1809-1882 Famous English naturalist; D.'s theory of evolution; D.'s ear = congenital defformity of ear; D.'s tubercle = small projection from upper part of helix (first noticed by Thomas Woolner, sculptor, 1825-1892).


Deaver, John. 1855-1931 American surgeon; D.'s windows = fat-free portions of mesentery framed by vascular arcades adjacent to the attached margin of the intestine.


decidua basalis L. deciduus = falling off, from L. decidere = to fall off; that part of the endometrium invaded by the chorionic villi; unites with the chorion to form the placenta.


deciduous adj. L. " ; d. teeth = milk or primary teeth.


deferens L. = carrying away or down; cf. ductus deferens.


dehiscence L. dihiscere = to gape (open); a bursting open, as of a Graafian follicle, a surgical wound, a dying mast cell as it loses its granules.


Deiters, Otto Friedrich Karl. 1834-1863 Bonn anatomist & histologist; D.'s cells = phalangeal cells = outer sustentacular cells in organ of Corti (1860); D.'s nucleus = lateral vestibular nucleus.


demilune L. dimidius = half + luna = moon; crescent-shaped cap of serous cells over mucous alveolus in some salivary glands.


dendraxon G. dendron = a tree + axon, q.v., obsolete term for the terminal part of an axon; see telodendron.


dendrite G. dendron = a tree; a structure with a tree-like pattern; centripetal (= afferent conducting) process of a nerve cell soma.


dendritic spines gemmules, q.v.


dens L. = a tooth; hence dentate = toothed, with a serrated outline; denticulate ligament of spinal canal.


dentine L. dens = a tooth; apatite (calcifed tissue) of a tooth surrounding the pulp cavity, and covered by enamel.


dermis G. derma = skin; connective tissue bed for the epidermis; corium, q.v.


dermatoglyphics G. " + glypho = I carve; the impression left by moist sweat gland secretions on the epidermal ridges of fingers, toes, etc., which impression can be later revealed by finger-printing methods.


Descemet, Jean. 1732-1810 Paris anatomist, surgeon & botanist; D.'s membrane = basement membrane of corneal (posterior) endothelium (1758).


desmosome G. desmos = a bond, anchor rope + soma = body; intercellular bridge; patch component (i.e., macula adherens) of terminal bar.


desquamation shedding of squames, or shedding of cells from any epithelium.


detrusor L. detrudo = I thrust away; of the smooth muscle of wall of urinary bladder effecting micturition.


diapedesis G. dia = through + pedan = to leap; normal passage of red or white blood cells across an endothelium of a capillary.


diaphysis G. dia = apart + physis = growth; a gap between teeth; point of branching of a plant; shaft or mid-region of long bone between the growing ends.


diarthrosis G. dia = throughout + arthron = a joint; a perfect joint; a completely movable joint (Galen).


differentiation 1. embryological process by which different tissues and organs arise in ontogeny; 2. histological process of distinguishing different tissual components.


diploid G. diploo = to repeat (a process); having a (normal) double set of chromosomes = twice the haploid number (all somatic cells are diploid).


Disse, Joseph. German anatomist 1852-1912; space of D. in liver, between sinusoidal endothelium and hepatocytes (perisinusoidal space).


distal L. distare = to stand apart; away from the centre; opposite to proximal, q.v.


diverticulum (-a) L. = a by-road, from L. devertere = to turn aside; a blind-ended sac or pouch in wall of an organ.


Dobbie, William Murray. 1828-1915 English physician; D.'s line = Z-band of a striated muscle.


Dogiel, Alexander Stanislavovic. 1852-1922 Russian neurologist & histologist; D.'s corpuscle = encapsulated sensory ending.


DPX a 1939 synthetic mounting medium of distrene, plasticizer and xylene.


ductule L. ductulus = a little duct (dim. L. ductus); bile ductules; efferent ductules; prostatic ductules.


ductus (-us) L. = passage from L. ducere = to lead; tube lined by epithelium for exocrine glandular secretions to reach surface.


ductus arteriosus L = arterial duct; a fetal vessel connecting left pulmonary artery with descending aorta; Botallo's duct; Arantius's duct.


ductus cochlearis L. = cochlear duct; scala media of membranous labyrinth.


ductus epididymidis L. duct of the epididymis; the duct is the main component of the epididymis, q.v.


ductus deferens L. = the duct carrying down (sperm to be ejaculated); secretory duct running from the epididymis to the prostatic urethra (actually carries sperm upwards!); the vas deferens.


ductus venosus L. = venous duct; the continuation of the fetal umbilical vein through the liver to the inferior vena cava.


duodenum L. duodenarius = containing twelve; first part of small intestine, 12 finger-widths long.


dura mater L. durus = hard + mater = mother, i.e., a protector; tough, collagenous membrane enveloping spinal cord & brain

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