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Benfluralin (also known as Benefin) - Herbicide.

Two US Maps of pesticide use based on 1991-1995 and 1995-1998 data.

Structure of the herbicide Benfluralin:

These maps were compiled by the Pesticide National Synthesis Project
of the U. S. Geological Survey's National Water Quality Assessment Program

The pesticide use maps show regional scale patterns in use intensity within the United States and are not intended for making local-scale estimates of use, such as for individual counties. The maps are based on state-level estimates of pesticide use rates for individual crops, which have been compiled by the National Center for Food and Agricultural Policy (NCFAP) for 1991-1993 and 1995, and on county-based crop acreage data obtained from the 1992 Census of Agriculture. Key limitations include: (1) state use coefficients represent an average for the entire state and consequently do not reflect the local variability pesticide management practices found within many states and counties, and (2) the county-level acreage data used to calculate use are based on the 1992 Census of Agriculture and may not represent all crop acreage due to Census non-disclosure rules.


The pesticide use maps available from this site show regional-scale patterns of use intensity within the United States and are not intended for making local-scale estimates of pesticide use, such as for individual counties. The maps are based state-level estimates of pesticide use rates for individual crops, which have been compiled by the National Center for Food and Agricultural Policy (NCFAP) for 1995-1998, and on 1997 Census of Agriculture county crop acreage. Key limitations include: (1) state use-coefficients represent an average for the entire state and consequently do not reflect the local variability of pesticide management practices found within many states and counties, and (2) the county-level acreage are based on the 1997 Census of Agriculture and may not represent all crop acreage due to Census non-disclosure rules. Please refer to Method for Estimating Pesticide Use for a detailed discussion of how the pesticide use data were developed.