Fluoride’s effect on the brain. Submission to the NRC on April 19, 2004

April 19, 2004 Submission to: National Research Council Committee: Toxicologic Risk of Fluoride in Drinking Water; BEST-K-02-05-A c/o Susan Martel <smartel@nas.edu> From: Ellen Connett Fluoride Action Network Pesticides Project 82 Judson Street, Canton NY 13617 Email: pesticides@fluoridealert.org Tel: 315-379-9200 Re: Fluoride’s effect on the brain. For at least 2 decades reports have been published on […]

A Critique of the York Review – by Paul Connett, PhD

A Critique of the York Review (“Fluoridation of Drinking Water: a Systematic Review of its Efficacy and Safety” by the NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, the University of York, York, UK., published in October 2000.) 1. Introduction. The reviewer’s background. 1.1 I obtained my first degree from Cambridge University in Natural Sciences and my […]