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Fluchloralin. Chemical Fact Sheet. Cornell U. PMEP. June 30, 1985.


                        CHEMICAL FACT SHEET FOR:



                    1.  DESCRIPTION OF CHEMICAL

- Generic Name:  Fluchloralin
- Common Name:  fluchloralin
- Trade Name:  Basalin
- EPA Shaughnessy Code:  108701
- Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) Number:  33245-39-5
- Year of Initial Registration:  1970
- Pesticide Type:  Herbicide
- Chemical Family:  chloroaniline
- U.S. and Foreign Producers:  BASF Wyandotte, Inc.


- Application sites:  Dry and succulent peas and beans, cotton, okra,
  peanuts, soybeans, and sunflowers.
- Types of formulations:  Emulsifiable concentrate (4 lbs. a.i. per
- Types and methods of application:  Preplant broadcast or banded spray,
  using ground equipment.  Soil incorporation recommended.
- Application rates:  0.5-1.5 lbs. a.i./A on beans (including soybeans),
  okra, peas, peanuts, and sunflowers.
- Usual carriers:  Water

                      3. SCIENCE FINDINGS

Chemical Characteristics

- Physical state:  crystalline solid
- Color:  orange-yellow
- Odor:  faint, unusual
- Melting point:  42-43 C
- Solubility (at 20 C):  ethyl acetate >100 g/100 g, benzene 100 g/
  100 g, cyclohexane 25.1 g/100 g, ether >100 g/100 g, acetone
  >100 g/100 g, chloroform >100 g/100 g, ethanol 17.7 g/100 g, water
  <7 g/100 g.
- Vapor pressure:  6 x 10(-6) mm Hg at 20 degrees C, 2.5 x 10(-5) mm Hg
  at 30 degrees C
- Stability:  Sensitive to ultraviolet light.  Stable in aqueous
  solution over range of pH 5 to 9.

Toxicological Characteristics

- Acute effects:
  - Acute oral LD50:  data gap
  - Acute dermal LD50:  data gap
  - Dermal irritation:  data gap
  - Acute inhalation toxicity:  data gap
  - Primary eye irritation: data gap                                                           
- Chronic effects:
  - Oncogenicity:  data gap
  - Teratology:  data gap
  - Reproductive effects:  data gap
  - Mutagenicity:  data gap
  - Feeding studies:  data gap
- Major routes of exposure:  dermal, ocular, and ingestion.

Physiological and Biochemical Behavioral Characteristics

- Foliar absorption:  Not applicable; fluchloralin is soil-
- Translocation:  Residues are taken up and translocated through the
  roots and shoots of cotton and soybean plants.  Parent compound and
  some metabolites have been identified in cotton and soybean foliage
  following exposure of the roots to fluchloralin.
- Mechanism of pesticidal action:  Believed to affect seed germination
  and other physiological growth processes.
- Metabolism and persistence in plants and animals:  Plant metabolism
  is not adequately understood.  Fluchloralin residues did not
  transfer to ruminant tissues at exaggerated rates (67 X the expected
  intake by beef cattle).  Degradation in animals is stepwise through
  N-dealkylation and N-hydrolysis.

Environmental Characteristics

- Adsorption and leaching in basic soil types:  Fluchloralin (unaged)
  and fluchloralin residues (aged 30 days) are relatively immobile to
  slightly mobile in loamy sand and sandy soils, but the degradate
  2,6-dinitro-4-trifluoromethylphenol is highly mobile in loamy sandy
  soil and mobile in sandy clay loam soil.  Fluchloralin is slightly
  mobile in runoff from plots (5-12% slope) of silt loam soil.
- Microbial breakdown:  No data
- Loss from photodecomposition and/or volatilization:  Fluchloralin
  photodegrades rapidly (half-life 27 minutes) in water (pH 5.6) when
  exposed to artificial sunlight.  Photodegradation of solid
  fluchloralin film is slower (half-life 48 hours in artificial
  sunlight).  No valid volatilization data are available.
- Bioaccumulation:  No valid data
- Resultant average persistence:  Half-life ranges from <32 to 120
  days, depending on soil type.
- Half-life in water:  Stable in water over pH range from 5.0 to 9.0,
  if not exposed to light

Ecological Characteristics

- Hazards to birds:  data gap
- Hazards to aquatic invertebrates:  data gap
- Hazards to fish:  High toxicity poses potential threat to fish
  populations.  Hazard cannot be evaluated until receipt of certain
  environmental fate data.
- Potential problems with endangered species:  USDI has made a
  jeopardy assessment, finding threats to slackwater darter and 11
  freshwater mussels from use of fluchloralin on soybeans.

Tolerance Assessment

- List of crops and tolerances:

   Crop                                      Tolerance (ppm)

   Cotton, seed                                   0.05N
   Peanuts                                        0.05
   Peanuts, forage                                0.05
   Peanuts, hay                                   0 05
   Peanuts, hulls                                 0.1
   Soybeans                                       0.05N
   Sunflower, seeds                               0.05
   Vegetables, seed & pod (dry/succulent)         0.05
   Vegetables, seed & pod, forage                 0.1
   Vegetables, seed & pod, hay                    0.1
NOTE: N = negligible

- List of food contact uses:  beans (dry and succulent), okra, peas
  (dry and succulent), peanuts, soybeans, and sunflower seeds.
- Results of tolerance assessment:  Current PADI is 0.0026 mg/kg/day,
  based on a NOEL of 5.250 mg/kg/day (210 ppm) and an LEL of 15.75
  mg/kg/day (hemisiderosis in the liver) using a safety factor of
  2000.  The portion of the PADI currently occupied is <3%.  However,
  the feeding study on which the PADI was based has been declared
  invalid, and no other toxicological data are available.

Problems Known to have Occurred from Use

- No PIMS data available.

Summary Science Statement

  No valid acute or chronic toxicity data are available.  One metabolite
  has shown potential for leaching through soil, but the toxicological
  properties of this metabolite are unknown.  Toxicity to fish is very


- Use classification:  Not classified
- Use, formulation, or geographic restrictions:  Manufacturing-use
  products may only be formulated into end-use products intended for
  use as a herbicide on dry and succulent peas and beans, cotton, okra,
  peanuts, soybeans, and sunflowers.
- Unique label warning statements:
  - Use pattern statements:  Labels of manufacturing-use products must
    bear the statement:  For formulation into end-use herbicide products
    intended only for use on kidney, lima, navy, green, pinto, or Great
    Northern beans, or edible soybeans, blackeyed, cow, field, or garden
    peas, cotton, okra, peanuts, or sunflowers.
- Precautionary statements:
  - Labels of manufacturing-use products must bear the statement:  Do
    not discharge effluent containing this product into lakes,
    streams, ponds, estuaries, oceans, or public waters unless this
    product is specifically identified and addressed in an NPDES
    permit.  Do not discharge effluent containing this product to
    sewer systems without notifying the sewage treatment plant
    authority.  For guidance, contact your State Water Board or
    Regional Office of the EPA.
  - The labels of all end-use products must bear the statement:  Do
    not apply directly to water.  Do not contaminate water by cleaning
    of equipment or disposal of wastes.

                   5. SUMMARY OF MAJOR DATA GAPS

Data Requested                                           Due Date*

Statement of composition                                  6 months
Discussion of formation of impurities                     6 months
Preliminary analysis                                     12 months
Certification of limits                                  12 months
Analytical methods for enforcement of limits             12 months
Density, bulk density, or specific gravity                6 months
Dissociation constant                                     6 months
Octanol/water partition coefficient                       6 months
pH                                                        6 months
Stability                                                 6 months
Metabolism in plants                                     24 months
Residue, dill, crop field trials                         24 months
Residue, okra, crop field trials                         24 months
Hydrolysis                                                9 months
Photodegradation on soil                                  9 months
Anaerobic soil                                           27 months

Leaching and adsorption/desorption                       12 months
Field dissipation, soil                                  27 months
Accumulation, confined rotational crops                  39 months
Accumulation, field rotational crops                     50 months
Accumulation in fish                                     12 months
Acute oral toxicity                                       9 months
Acute dermal toxicity                                     9 months
Acute inhalation toxicity                                 9 months
Primary eye irritation                                    9 months
Primary dermal irritation                                 9 months
Dermal sensitization                                      9 months
21-day dermal toxicity                                   12 months
Chronic toxicity, rodent and non-rodent                  50 months
Oncogenicity, 2 species                                  50 months
Teratogenicity                                           15 months
Reproduction, 2-generation                               39 months
Gene mutation                                             9 months
Chromosomal aberration                                   12 months
Other mechanisms of mutagenicity                         12 months
General metabolism                                       24 months

NOTES: *Number of months after issuance of the Standard.
       **A study has been submitted, but not yet reviewed.

                  6.  CONTACT PERSON AT EPA

Robert Taylor
401 M Street S.W.
Washington, DC  20460
(703) 557-1800


For more information relative to pesticides and their use, please contact the PMEP staff at:
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Ithaca, New York 14853-0901
Last Modified: 03/01/2001
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Disclaimer: Please read the pesticide label prior to use. The information contained at this web site is not a substitute for a pesticide label. Trade names used herein are for convenience only. No endorsement of products is intended, nor is criticism of unnamed products implied.